SSC Math Book in Hindi

by Lakshya Mathematics Teaching Centre



Useful For- Ssc(Assistant Grade, Income Tax,Clerk Grade UDC, MTS, Tax Assistant, SectionOfficer, CPO etc.)BANK(P.O./Clerk),Railway, LIC, GIC CSAT, CPF,MCA, M.B.A.(CAT, MAT, XAT, CET etc.)#############TOPIC###########01.Number system (संख्या पद्धति)02.Simplification (सरलीकरण)03.Fractions (भिन्‍न)04.Square root and cube root (वर्गमूल और घनमूल)05.Exponent and radical (घातांक एवं करणी)06.Least common multiple and HCF (लघुत्‍तम समापवर्तक और महत्‍तम समापवर्त्‍य)07.Percentage (प्रतिशत)08.Discount (बट्टा)09.profit and loss (लाभ हानि)10.Average (औसत)11.Ratio and Proportion (अनुपात एवं समानुपात)12.Mixture (मिश्रण)13.Age related questions (आयु सम्‍बन्‍धी प्रश्न)14.Work and time (काम समय)15.Pipes and tanks (पाईप एवं टंकी)16.Speed time and distance (चाल समय दूरी)17.Train (रेलगाडी)18.River boat question (नदी नाव संबन्‍धी प्रश्न)19.Simple interest (साधारण ब्‍याज)20.Compound Interest (चक्रवृद्धि ब्‍याज)21.Area (क्षेत्रफल)22.Volume (आयतन)23.Algebra (बीजगणित)24.Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति)25.Height and distance (ऊंचाई एवं दूरी)26.coordinate geometry (निर्देशांक ज्‍यामिति)27.Tabular and graph (सारणी एवं ग्राफ)28.The chain System (श्रंखला)29.Diverse (विविध)